I’m Yaidel. I’ve got a degree in Nuclear and Energetic Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry.

For ten years now I’ve been carrying out scientific research. The first stage dedicated to structural and stress analysis with ANSYS, the second to Molecular Dynamics simulations and code development, and the final to numerical simulations and modeling of advanced molecular catalysts. I’ve extensively written about these subjects in several peer-reviewed publications, talked in several conferences, and shared in the cluster of projects I have online.

Currently based in France, I enjoy coding, web design, writing, and photography. With time, these interests evolved into skills, which lead me to some beautiful projects, and a completely different set of professional capabilities.

I’m always open to interesting collaborations and projects, both as a researcher, and as a web-developer. If you have got an idea, materializing it is what we are in business for 😎: contact me.


Join our efforts to help advance science. We teach basic skills, organization methods, and effective FOSS to leverage your work. In addition, we believe in the necessity to bring to the forefront, document, make user-friendly, and share useful codes that would otherwise be deprived to the scientific community.

Work with me

How can we work together?


We could do great things, and here are three ways.

CodeCraft & Beyond

We polish your scientific code, and document it so others can use it.

We publish it into its own web page.

We help students organize and present their research.

Web design

Get a hand-crafted Kirby CMS site up and running, tailored to your specific needs and easy to maintain.

Get a simple design for your business.

Maintenance, hosting, and the like costs can be discussed.

My 3 picked projects

CodeCraft & Beyond
Conceptualization of a startup business model.
Research on catalysis
Cooling down, getting more into CodeCraft and Beyond.
El Balcón
A place to share essays in Spanish.